Add Contact


Adds a Contact to the domain using the details provided.


Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
auth-userid Integer Required Authentication Parameter
api-key String Required Authentication Parameter
name String Required

Name of the Contact

  • Max length 255 characters

company String Required

Name of the Company

  • Max length 255 characters

email String Required Email address of the Contact
address-line-1 String Required First line of address of the Contact
  • Max length 64 characters

  • For NycContact Contact type, a physical street address in the New York City must be provided.

city String Required Name of the City

Max length 64 characters

country String Required

Country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2


For UkServiceContact Contact type, the country code can only be GB (United Kingdom), IM (Isle of Man), JE (Jersey) or GG (Guernsey).

zipcode String Required ZIP code

Max length 10 characters


ZIP Code will be validated against the Country selected during the contact create process. An invalid zipcode will return an error message.

phone-cc String Required Telephone number country code

Between 1-3 digits


Only valid telephone number country code will be accepted.

phone String Required Telephone number

Between 4-12 digits

customer-id Integer Required The Customer under whom you want to create the Contact
type String Required

The Contact Type. This can take following values:

  • Contact

  • CoContact

address-line-2 String Optional Second line of address of the Contact
address-line-3 String Optional Third line of address of the Contact
state String Optional

Name of the State

  • Max length 64 characters

fax-cc String Optional Fax number country code

Between 1-3 digits

fax String Optional Fax number

Between 4-12 digits

attr-name Map[name] Optional Mapping key of any extra information to be associated for the contact that is being added. Refer the description of attr-value.
attr-value Map[value] Required

Mapping value of the extra details required to be associated with a particular Contact before registering a domain name. This together with attr-name shall contain the extra details.

  • To associate the Contact with a .ASIA domain name, the input can be:

    attr-name1=locality&attr-value1={Two-lettered Country code} attr-name2=legalentitytype&attr-value2={naturalPerson | corporation | cooperative | partnership | government | politicalParty | society | institution | other} attr-name3=otherlegalentitytype&attr-value3={Mention legal entity type. Mandatory if legalentitytype chosen as 'other'} attr-name4=identform&attr-value4={passport | certificate | legislation | societyRegistry | politicalPartyRegistry | other} attr-name5=otheridentform&attr-value5={Mention Identity form. Mandatory if identform chosen as 'other'} attr-name6=identnumber&attr-value6={Mention Identification Number}]


    This information can be associated with any one of the Contacts of the domain name.

  • You need to pass the country of citizenship if the registrant is an individual/natural person and the country of residence is not one of the EU/EEA countries or in EU territories:

    attr-name1=countryOfCitizenship&attr-value1={Two-lettered country code}


    List of two-letter country codes

    • AT,BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, DK, ES, EE, FI, FR, GR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK
  • To associate the Contact with a .JOBS domain name, the input can be:

    attr-name1=title&attr-value1={Title of the Contact in the Company} attr-name2=website&attr-value2={Company Website} attr-name3=industry_type&attr-value3={Type / Classification of the industry in which the company conducts its business} attr-name4=is_admin_contact&attr-value4={true | false} attr-name5=is_association_member&attr-value5={true | false}


    This information has to be associated with all Contacts of the .JOBS domain name.

HTTP Method


Example Test URL Request


Returns the Contact Id (Integer) of newly added Contact. Multiple Contacts can be added for the same Name and Company Name behavior.

In case of any errors, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith an error message will be returned.

Sample error message when Single Field is invalid {"status":"ERROR","message":"{telnocc=TelephoneNo Country Code is invalid}"}

Sample error message when Multiple Fields are invalid {"status":"ERROR","message":"{telnocc=TelephoneNo Country Code is invalid, zip=Postal Code is invalid}"}